Flow control ensures that the receiving device can absorb the data sent to it before the sending device sends more. Flow control paces the transmission of data between a sending device and a receiving device. The main difference between the console and auxiliary ports is that the auxiliary port supports flow control, whereas the console port does not. This section provides important cabling information to consider before connecting the router to a console terminal or modem. The console and auxiliary ports provide access to the router either locally using a console terminal connected to the console port, or remotely, using a modem connected to the auxiliary port. The router includes USB, asynchronous serial and auxiliary ports.
Console and Auxiliary Port ConsiderationsĬonsole and Auxiliary Port Considerations.This document gives cable information and specifications for the console port, auxiliary port, and network ports on your Cisco 1900 series integrated services router. Cable Information and Specifications for Cisco 1900 Series Routers